5 crucial facility maintenance needs in the pharmaceutical industry

5 crucial facility maintenance needs in the pharmaceutical industry

The Pharmaceutical industry generates US$300 billion every year. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), it is characterised by its stringent regulations and its hundreds of best practices. Safely storing biopharmaceuticals, and even over-the-counter drugs, is by no means a simple task. It isn't just a matter of stacking them in an unr...
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The 4 Types of Pressure Measurements, and the tools to Measure them

The 4 Types of Pressure Measurements, and the tools to Measure them

In almost every type of engineering, having knowledge on how to use pressure measurement tools is crucial to the safety and integrity of projects. According to the International Society of Automation (ISA), pressure measurement is the second-most common in processing plants and is usually coordinated with that of temperature. The ISA defines pre...
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